English Biblie Camp


I enjoyed having deep conversations with students who had higher language ability and they were hungry and motivated for discipleship, not just to improve their English. I also enjoyed the ’Dig Deeper’ workshop, sharing openly personal experiences of practically living out faith on topics they had chosen.

We discussed the value of friendship and the value of encouraging others. The students understood the importance of respecting themselves, others and God.

What was the hardest? Trying to not eat all the food.


Alongside the camp I enjoyed going to the church Bible study to speak to the women there about my faith.

The whole team at Mezőtúr were very welcoming and went above and beyond.

It was amazing to pray with the students in different languages. Also saying the Lord’s prayer in Hungarian and English at the Bible study.

I was amazed to see how engaged the students were and how caring they were to each other. God was really in the centre of the camp and led people to come back day after day. It was especially a blessing to have deep and meaningful conversations with young people about their faith, especially those who were exploring Christianity eventhough their parents were atheist.

It has been a blessing to meet so many Christians who are so loving and wanting to serve and glorify God: Ilona, Adam, Laci. This was my first mission experience and it has made me want to serve more and share more of God’s amazing love.


The teenagers seemed more open and receptive than teenagers inmy home town which was encouraging.

The outreach would have been better if there was more time with the studenst to build relationships – either through spending nore days or longer time each day. My best experience was sharing about things important to me like how God has worked in my life and seeing that the students were listening.

At home I want to share the experience when we visited the church Bible study. Everyone was so welcoming and loving towards us despite no common language and never having met before.


Cultural difference? The food! The amount and riches of the food was a shock but it was very fun to try lots of new things. We have been treated with such kindness and generosity- such a blessing!

My best experience was praying with my group in English and Hungarian and getting to know the young people. There was an amazing sense of community when we said the Lord’s prayer in the two languages.

I think the ’Dig Deeper’ talks helped the students to see role models about not just following culture but following the teaching of the Bible and their faith.


After I led the music workshop, some of the young people taught me and Rebekah ’How Great is Our God’ in Hungarian. That was my best experience, to be able to worship God in another language. God was really present and I was so thankful in that moment for the gift of music to bring people together in God’s spirit. We prayed afterwards which was a spirit-filled moment. It was an excellent time to finish our time.


God showed me that I can shout louder than I thought, I could lead games and that I don’t need fluent Hungarian to reach Hungarians. I loved the workshop ’Dig Deeper’ where I could share my experience and glorify God by talking of His goodness through my life.

The church Bible study where we shared about our church and their church then praying for one another reinforced that God is building His church and continues to teach us how to love each other well.

I had to choose directly between a holiday in Barcelona and this camp and this was so the better choice.